Swedish sense of humour
I was making a whisky sour the other day, and I used egg white to create the froth. So... I separated the egg yolk from the egg white, then I smashed the yolk and I looked at Julia and said: Look Julia, have you seen my sperm... it's yellow because I'm a "guling"!! HAHAHA!!
But she didn't laugh though, even if she is a Swede... so annoying :)
Whisky sour
Oj oj oj!
Kolla in min nya video om du inte redan har sett den på facebook, snubben som är med i den är en f.d kollega som blev sparkad från jobbet pga att han drack under arbetstid. Vi satt på Roadhouse en kväll då en bartender gjorde lite tricks, jag tyckte att han var duktig... men man har ju sett bättre sa jag. Min kollega blev sjukt imponerad när han såg tricket och frågade om jag kunde göra likadant, well... för att vara helt ärlig så har jag aldrig provat, så jag kan antagligen inte det. Var ju såklart tvungen att prova när jag kom hem, och vips... så landade den efter ett par försök :)
... och gissa vem som gav honom smeknamnet "Donkey" :)
Yesterday I felt a little bit sick at work, everytime I shook a drink I started to sweat.. but today I'm feeling better, hopefully I'll be recovered on Monday. Lucky me, two days off and I'm spending my time to be sick.. oh, yes! *not*
By the way, did I tell you that I got myself a new jacket?
It might look mainstream, black and boring but it's just so much me :)
Carhartt Ranger Jacket
This is it!
It's a anniversary model made for the Japan market, because of the left traffic in Japan the car only comes with the wheel to the right. Only three cars are registered in Sweden, one of them comes in this sexy beige colour. This is love
Do you believe that one man can change the world?
Ladies and Gentlemen, Barack Obama
Better late than never
Time is a luxury
So I really need to go tomorrow, otherwise I would break my promise for 2009
Bed mode, so long!
No more gloves!
Hey guys, guess what... one of my female colleagues (no names) pooped at work today! I know because she told me. That made me think about the old glory days at Hilton in Malmö, I always told Fanny (a talented chef, my friend and colleague) how important it was to NOT do that kind of things at work, because females don't do that... and if they do, they do it at home behind close doors. It reminded me about how much I miss you guys, hopefully I'll see you all soon!!
Fanny at a staff party :-)
Sunday off
Good evening everybody!
I have some good news and some bad news, I received a letter from my GM yesterday and it was strictly private and confidential. It said that I've got my salary increased!! I've been waiting forever for a letter like this
The bad news is that I find the raise a little bit ridiculous, well it's always better than nothing but compared with the work and effort I do, I expect some more appreciation. However, this year will be my year and I will increase my salary one way or another. If I can't get it here, I'll go somewhere else... easypeasy.
Let's call it a day now, I'm doing morning tomorrow!
Love xxx
London at night!
First out was Digress, I wanted to check out the venue and feel the atmosphere... blonde girls behind the bar, and we like blonde girls don't we? Oh yes, but it was alright... nothing impressive.
After that we ended up at a place in China Town, had some Wun tun noodle. £3 was a fantastic price to get filled, and the food took a couple of minutes to prepare, I'll definitely come back for some more
Then we went to L.A.B (London Academy of Bartending) in Soho, I've heard a lot about the place and it didn't disappoint me at all. Great cocktails, great staff and a pleasant atmosphere! At the entrance the bouncer asked me to remove my scarf and my coat to see what I had under, first I got a little bit offended... what is he thinking? That I'm wearing a weapon? No, he wanted to make sure that I didn't wear a tie.. because the owner wants a casual dresscode in his place. Interesting :)
Anyway, we had a great time and the waitress/bartender was very sweet and polite... we like :)
After L.A.B we went to Roadhouse, two total different places compared with L.A.B. The drinks here are shit, but people are not coming to Roadhouse for the drinks, they are here for entertainment. Roadhouse is famous all over the world for its flairbartenders and the guys behind the bar are either competitors or judges in flair competitions. I met Adriano Marcellino, he used to be one of my favourites at stage but now he is retired as an active competitor a couple of years ago. A wise decision, whoever enters a competition... he/she probably wants to win but now there's so many other talented guys out there and there is no reason to be left out, I rather put my energy somewhere else. But personally I'll still put him as top10 in the world
Tomorrow will hopefully be my day off as well, I might celebrate with some sushi :)
I'm off to bed now, good night!
The evening was dead at work, and I was suppose to show Tristan how to catch three bottles in one hand and I started with two, of course... I smashed the bottle, tough luck :(
Lost a couple drops of blood, but now I'm fine... annoying though, it will probably take up to 14 days before it heals
As you remember, I bought a new camera the other day... the guy in Casio store actually gave me an used one, how dare him?! The camera had some marks and fingerprints, when I switched it on I found pictures taken in the beginning of December 2008 and I was like: Cool, this will be my proof.
Went back to the store and showed them the stuff, they realised their mistake and got me another one. Unfortunately the silver one was sold out, so I got a red one instead... which in my opinion is so more SEXY :)
Have a look!
Casio EX-Z200
A picture says more than thousands words, so let's cut the crap
Back to work tomorrow again, cheers brothers!
Fitness First
Today I'm off and I need to spend the day wisely since one of my colleagues probably will get sacked, they already removed him fom the rota and I don't think he is coming back, which is bad for the team because it was a funny guy and a good bartender. I was suppose to ask for a couple of days off later in January but as we can see, it's a little bit difficult now. Let's see how it will turn out
Nytt år och nya möjligheter, vad mer kan man begära?
Jag har stora förväntningar i år och jag hoppas på att 2009 kan leva upp till dem, mer om det senare!
Ett av mina löften i år är att jag ska börja träna och bli hälsosam igen, så vi får se hur det kommer bli med det! Det kommer antagligen hålla en vecka eller två :)
Än en gång, GOTT NYTT ÅR! Hoppas ni hade en trevlig nyårsafton därhemma, vi ses snart och jag saknar er alla :)
(vissa uppdateringar kommer att ske på engelska så mina nya vänner i London också kan förstå)
Happy new year everybody!
New year and new opportunities, what else can you ask for?
I have big expectations this year and I hope that 2009 can live 'em up, more about that later!
One of my promises is to start working out and be healthy again, so we'll see how that will turn out. It will probably last one week or two :)
Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you had a pleasant New Years Eve back home, I'll see you soon and I miss you all :)
(some updates will be in english so my new friends in London can understand as well)